Yesterday was the second day at CSI Lummen (Belgium) for our show jumpers Waldemar S (by Lanciano, KWPN) and Quick Quick Slow Z (by Quasimodo, Zangersheide). Both jumped with Jens Nijs at 1.20 m. level.
A coincidence or not but both horses had one fence down at the same obstacle! Nevertheless, they jumped good. Today they don't compete, Jens just did some flat work with them. Tomorrow, Saturday, they compete again.
The show has had some trouble with the rainy weather and 1500 horses arriving on the same day. Our stable rider / groom Bartjan van Weert is in Lummen as well and takes care of Waldemar and Quick (picture). There is a lot to do as it is mud everywhere so all stuf needs to be cleaned every time the horses come out of their stalls. The organization does a great job, leveling the arena's many, many times a day.